Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Baby Signing

On Sunday we had a stand at the Evening Telegraph Parent and Child show at Wicksteed Park. The event was a flop due to the lack of advertising by the organisers. Although sales were few and far between we were able to give out lots of flyers about baby signing and answer queries from parents/parents to be.

I was asked several times if baby signing prevents speech and also is it too late if a baby has started to talk? The answer to both questions is no. On Chelltune.co.uk you’ll find the answer to these questions and other frequently asked questions about baby signing.

The local Sing and Sign and Tinytalk tutors were also there promoting their classes. Details of their classes have been added to our baby signing class directory on Sign Together.

I entered a competition to win a free Tinytalk course, fingers crossed I win. I’m due my third child in August. I used baby signing with my first two children but never actually attended a class. When my son was born in 2003 there wasn’t any classes in Northamptonshire. That was one of my reasons for setting up Chelltune, to provide information and resources for parents who wanted to learn baby signing but for whatever reason couldn’t attend a class. I’d like to pop along to a class just to see what they are like.

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