Saturday, September 29, 2007

Five A Day

I arrived home this evening to find a huge box of teaching mitts in my hall way. Working from home is great but we really are getting squashed with so many new products arriving. Its getting to that time of year when I feel the need to declutter, it is 98 days till Christmas and I am already panicking about where we will put the children's new toys. Anyway, enough rambling, the pint of this post was to introduce the new Five A Day teaching mitt.

According to research, the average person in the UK eats less than 3 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, instead of the recommended 5. This is even lower amongst young people. The 5 A DAY programme and website aims to change the way people think, and highlight the healthier benefits of eating more fruit and vegetables.

The Five A Day mitt has been designed to support this Government programme by providing a colourful visual aid as a stimulus for teachers, parents and carers to use with young children to help develop an enjoyment of eating the various foods and understand why they are important for their health and well-being. The mitt illustrates varieties which children are most likely to familiar with.

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